Sunday, May 22, 2005

So. there goes the daylight!

I've been sitting in the dark for nine days. The lightbulb in my bedroom went out nine days ago and I haven't bothered to change it. It began a while ago when the first of the two lightbulbs went out. For months I neglected to change it and simply adjusted to living in the poorly-lit environment I'd created. It was dim, but bearable. And now, now I am just encompassed in complete and total darkness.
Eh. It's just light. I can stand to live without it. I'm adaptive enough, I'll adjust. (And when my bedroom deteriorates from neglect, I can always move. And when I die of lethargy, well... well, then I'll have died of lethargy.)

The blue glow from my monitor, I've learned, is an insufficient light source. Somebody please break into my apartment and change my fucking light bulb both my fucking lightbulbs while I am asleep (or when I am awake, whichever you prefer) or I will sit in the dark forever.



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