Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ohhh, I love Manhattan snobs. They're so funny.

I've known a few. We've all known a few. Silly, ignorant, condescending creatures, they are. Below are some of their defining attributes. (I mean manhattan snobs, to clarify, not manhattan residents)
- are under the impression that all trains going into brooklyn cross the Williamsburg bridge -- even the L train, which doesn't go over a bridge.....
- are unfamiliar with the workings of the subway system
- have some misconception contrived from nowhere that the eastern-most border of manhattan is a 45-minute epic subterranean journey away from the nearest point in brooklyn. apparently the east river is ten miles wide or something.
- cannot fathom how one would possibly choose to live in Brooklyn.
- always speak in terms of "when you move to manhattan"
- have no concept of north and south -- and even if, perchance, they do, they don't know to apply it to Brooklyn.
- seem to believe that they pay more rent than you. shhyeah, bitch. not unless you live in Soho, the UES, or 1995.
- evidently think of Brooklyn as a narrow horizontal strip (perpendicular to manhattan) such that all that exists in the borough is to some degree or another aligned with the route of and easily accessible by the L train.
- seem to be living with the false notion that geographically, there is some linear relationship between all the brooklyn neighborhoods and that the further into the borough one travels, in this straight line known as the route of the L, the less desireable the neighborhood.
ah, if only brooklyn's geography and neighborhood hierarchy were that simple, you silly, silly manhattan snob. if only!

I very kindly drew up a visual interpretation, this nifty diagram here!

(editor's note: map geographically inaccurate & not intended for navigation purposes.)
the manhattan snob's idea of brooklyn:
Desireability of neighborhood directly proportionate to hipness and proximity to manhattan from one single direction.

I've also been unfortunate enough to have known a few who probably visualize it as seen in this representation:

Yeah, this one is um..... a little less elaborate.



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