Monday, January 24, 2005

My best friend noticed an influx of 'strictly platonic' personal ads on craig's list concerning organized snowball fights in various parts of the city, and it prompted her to write this:

to all you hipsters who want to play in the snow...

Reply to:
Date: 2005-01-22, 11:23PM EST

So, you're a transplant to NYC. Probably from some hokey town in the midwest. Or maybe upstate. Perhaps Suffern? Oh, you're sufferin' alright. Been wondering when you had a chance to get old. It seems like just yesterday when you were new to the city, fresh faced and full of gosh darn good ideals. Going up to people on the subway platform and explaining, while yes, you know you need to take the G train to get to this "Lorimer Place" you don't know whether to take it uptown or downtown, and won't you please stop laughing? But alas. It's four, five years, later, and now it's you who's having a laugh at the expense of that clueless kid, you old, bitter bastard. But now it's snowing, and you see this lovely blizzard as a chance to recapture your youth. Yeah, because despite numberous claims to the other wise, your earliest memories are not of realizing your own superiority, or that of Apple products but of...actual emotions. Could it be? You weren't BORN apathetic? So go, play in the snow, my little hipster. Build a snow man (or at least try). Make ice cream with a little vanilla extract and virgin snow. Smile, and not just sneer. Enjoy the storm while you can and when all is said and done, just be sure to ask yourself why an intervention from Mother Nature was necessary to try to make you happy. For once.

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she's great, isn't she?



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