Sunday, December 04, 2005



In other news: curbed map mysteriously vanishes.
OH, sweet curbed map -- where have you gone?


Thursday, December 01, 2005

dancing like we can't hear the beat and we don't give a fuck

Every event that the (former members of the now disbanded) Sexy Magazines host draws in several pairs of exhibitionist scenesters making out publicly. In the past, the group of regulars included semi-notable persons such as a member of beloved local band The Shapes, but only last night were you able to spot Anton Newcombe making out with his lady friend in the middle of a packed room.... only at Shindig, baby.

Things you do at Shindig:
  • lose your headphones
  • double-take at the person standing next to you watching saints & lovers play, upon realizing it's anton newcombe.
  • try to carry a conversation with some hip foreign guys with exotic accents, whom you've so expertly and perceptively identified as being from... somewhere in europe
  • gain respect from scenesters because they are too drunk to tell that you're ugly or notice that your hair is appallingly uncool.
  • have moronic drunken conversations with everyone there that you don't know, and then wander silently away from them
  • dance like mad on the bathroom porta potty line (where you presume no one is watching)
  • in a drunken stupor, run into 50 people you know
  • ...only to be abandoned by all of them while you're in line for the bathroom porta potty (again.)
  • miss your headphones all the way home
  • regret everything you said to everyone the next day

    There's something left to be said about the tragic disbanding of The Sexy Magazines, a comprehensive analysis to be made of their gradual deterioration, and lengthy discussion about the inferiority of the "ex-y Magazines" to The Sexy Magazines, but that long, detailed dissertation will come in time. Sit tight.

    The "ex-y Magazines'" performance put such a damper on my night, that in my drunken reverie I swear I almost sauntered up to Franco and dramatically demanded "whyyy?" But I didn't. I got to see the drunk, lecherous, debauched sides of some people I've only known in their natural (sober) state. Yeah, it's always better when everyone's inebriated.
    ....see you at the next one? (December 14, bitches).